
"Supermodel" Monday: Meg Doll

Today, I am thrilled to share my healthy "supermodel" with you.
Introducing Miss Meg Doll (cutest name ever) of A Dash Of Meg!

This smart lady has a true passion for health and fitness and is on her way to becoming a registered dietician.  She's from Canada (love the favorite spelled 'favourite'), is an amazing cook and loves to sweat at least once a day.  Did I mention how adorable she is?
Take some time to get to know a "dash-of-meg" and "a pinch" of her healthy lifestyle!

Q: Tell us about "A Dash of Meg"
A Dash of Meg started out as a way for me to keep my parents updated on my daily life while living in London, Ontario which is 30 hours always from where my parents live. I talk to my parents on the phone daily, but I thought a blog would be a great way to share my pictures and recipes with them! It just turned out that blogging soon became a serious passion of mine and now A Dash of Meg is so much more than a place to keep my parents updated! Now, it is a place for people to go to access healthy recipes and workouts, gain motivation and inspiration on how to live a life filled with positivity and self acceptance, and follow my daily adventures as I make my way through university to become a Registered Dietitian! 

Q: Where does your passion for health/wellness come from?
I was brought up with amazing parents and I can honestly say that they have played the biggest role in my life when it comes to my passion for health and wellness. I grew up eating eggs every day for breakfast and I still do to this day! I look forward to my egg every single morning! 
When my Mom packed my school lunches, I would always have a sandwich, milk, and a piece of fruit or a side of vegetables. Having been brought up this way, I wasn't interested in eating Dunkaroo's like all of my friends. My Mom made great sandwiches! 
I was also quite busy and active throughout my whole life. I began dancing when I was only three years old and continued with dance until high school. I wasn't much of a sports person, but I did take swimming lessons. It wasn't until last year, though, that I found my passion for weight lifting! Weight lifting has changed my life and has given me a great sense of self confidence that is greater than I ever thought possible!

Q: You are truly a youngin' still!  I was not thinking about my health when I was your age - How do you avoid the pressures and temptations of being a young University student?!
 To be honest, it's quite easy. I'm going to school for a Registered Dietitian so, most of my friends are interesting in living a healthy lifestyle just like me! When my friends and I go out we love to go to new restaurants or take leisurely walks through the beautiful parks in London! London also has an amazing downtown, so a lot of my time spent with my friends is walking around downtown shopping! 
I also find the people in Ontario are much more accepting of who others are than some other people that I have dealt with throughout my life. I am not afraid to tell the new people I meet that I don't drink and rather go to bed between 10 - 11 pm each night instead going out to the bars! It's who I am and I have to be comfortable and confident with that.

Q: What's one health product you can't live without?
 I like my protein powder. I rely on a quick and easily digestible source of protein after my workouts, so I always have one scoop of my favourite protein powder, chocolate About Time whey protein powder, in my shake!

Q: Do you have a favorite recipe to share with us?
 I can't imagine just picking one favourite recipe! I love food so much and have so many "favourites!" I am the biggest seafood lover you will ever meet, though. So I would have to say anything consisting of seafood would be my favourite.
One of my go-to salmon recipes is to spread whole grain mustard on a salmon fillet and bake it in the oven at 425 degrees F or grill it until cooked! I like simple healthy recipes with lots of flavour and this recipe encompasses all of those!

Q: I love your high-five Friday series - what would you give yourself a high-five for recently??
I'm so happy to hear you love High Five Friday! Thank you! Today, I would give myself a high five for doing the most jumping lunges I have ever done in 30 seconds during my workout today! I complete 3 rounds of jumping lunges for 30 seconds and I was able to do 32 jumping lunges during the intervals! 

Q: Finally, best healthy secret?
REST! I talk about this so much on my blog because I know people don't rest enough! So many of us push ourselves so hard each and every day, but what we don't realize is that our bodies need rest in order to recover properly! If rest isn't in your equation for living a healthy lifestyle you will just get burnt out or even injured and that's not something you want!

Thanks for sharing so much with us!  Make sure to give Meg a thumbs up on her FB page!
I agree that rest is essential to feeling healthy and staying healthy.  Infact, my pillow is calling my name as I type...



  1. Meggie! YOU ARE THE BEST! This series of Supermodel Monday is TRULY remarkable! I shared the link on my blog today, so I hope a lot of readers head on over to check out your AMAZING blog <3


    1. Thanks for taking the time to do this and for inspiring me and all my readers! xo

  2. I love Meg, she is such a sweetheart and a good friend! I'm new to your blog, off to check out more of your posts :)

    1. Lisa! Glad to have you :) Let me know what you think!
